Saturday, June 29, 2024

Fatherhood: Force For Fitness

    This message is dedicated to all the fellas who uphold the role of SUPERHERO to their children. We have the unique privilege to be larger than life and the men they look up to. This should never be taken for granted and we as fathers need to earn this title every day.
    It's so important that we play with our kids and demonstrate to them how to live life to the fullest. Numerous studies have shown that rough and tumble play has significant impact on our children's development. This creates confidence and a sense of adventure in kids that Dads have the opportunity to foster in them. I can personally remember with great detail the roughhousing I did with my father and how beneficial it was in my life. 
    One of the many joys of being a parent is that you get to be childlike all over again. You get to share with them everything you learned growing up and have a front row seat to their growth. This compounds the joy you experience even more so than when you were their age. Gentlemen you as a father are vital to your children's lives and offer lessons only you can show them. I'll close with one of my favorite quotes:" My father didn't tell me how to live; He lived and let me watch him do it."
                                                                                                                               - Clarence B. Kelland


Sunday, March 3, 2024

Calm In The Storm

    How does a person achieve anti-fragility? This concept supersedes resilience, because it results in exceeding one's capabilities after enduring hardship. The goals are becoming the metaphorical "steady hand" and being the voice of reason amidst chaos. When navigating through life's storms it's those who are battle-hardened that perform the best.
    Never in our lifetimes do we need individuals that exude these characteristic than now. The ability to remain calm and rational when dealing with complex issues is in great lacking. The proactive are prepared and the reactive are vulnerable to life's circumstances. There has to be a certain level of acceptance to suffering and conflict to our lives. It's an unavoidable part of our existence and needs to be dealt with by steadfastness. 
    You can do things the "easy way" or the "hard way" the choice is yours. I've observed the more a person tries to avoid their problems the greater and more numerous they become. The only way through hell is one foot forward at a time. Be the bison that walks into the storm instead of the coward that runs and succumbs to it...


Thursday, January 11, 2024

Strengthen In Solitary


    When was the last time if ever you went off-grid to work on yourself? To escape the everyday routines and shut-off all the distractions that hinder our personal growth. It's in solitude and adversity that we are introduced to ourselves. These moments of reflection force a person confront and deal with their inner most flaws and failures. 
    This type of sabbatical is very difficult and pain staking for most people but is necessary to become the best version of oneself. That's why most people indulge in entertaining or self-medicating in order from looking inward at all the things they don't like about their character. Each one of us are S.I.N. positive and have moral shortcomings. Peering into the depths of your soul is a frightening endeavor that reveals the frailty of our humanity.
    Make the most of these experiences by employing a variety of disciplines. The first recommendation is utilizing prayer or meditation. This provides clarity of mind and connects you to the divine. Next suggestion is to immerse yourself in nature and embrace its simplicity. Lastly, participate in a difficult endeavor that pushes the limits of your being.  In times of hardship and suffering life is stripped down to the essentials: food, water, and shelter. All the trivial things that once consumed your thoughts are eradicated. My challenge to you is to give yourself the hard-earned gift of repentance and healing. Remember we are only as sick as our secrets... 

Saturday, November 4, 2023

The Entitlement Of Nothing

    You are owed nothing in life and not going to be handed anything. This sentiment was seared into my consciousness from a very early age. If you wanted something you worked for it and other people's prosperity was to be celebrated. Your ship was never going to come in you needed to swim out to it. You and God are the architects of your life and the best way to predict the future is to create it.
    Too many people nowadays are unwilling to participate in their own rescue. They complain and wait idly by for someone to make their lives better. You are your biggest problem and greatest solution. A person needs to create a compelling vision for their existence and serve something greater than themselves. We live in a very self-centered culture where our wants and needs come before everyone else. This ultimately leads to despair and loneliness when your deluded expectations don't match your current reality.
    The entitlement mentality has infiltrated all aspects of our society. If everyone has a right to everything than we really don't have any rights at all. Change your attitude towards what can I GIVE instead of what can I GET. Generosity is the most selfish thing you can do because the reward you receive is superior to the reward given. Be a maker and not a taker...


Wednesday, September 13, 2023

There Is No CAN'T

    I just can't do it, or I just can't do it YET. This is the differentiating factor between a fixed and a growth mindset. They produce radically different outcomes and trajectories in life. Human beings are malleable and very adaptive to their circumstances. Failure is an essential part of success and struggle is a prerequisite to growth. This should be accepted as an unavoidable part of our reality. The individuals that seek and embrace these concepts are the ones who experience purpose driven and fulfilling lives. Personally, in my home the word "CAN'T" is the equivalent to dropping an F-Bomb that my children know is unacceptable. We build each other up and encourage them to strive for greatness. It's important to remember anything that you practice at you will become better. I hope you find value from my rant and understand we are all works in progress, but there is no CAN'T...


Tuesday, July 4, 2023

MEN - Be Good and Formidable

    This one's for the fellas. Today's message is about reclaiming your masculine spirit and embracing your life as a man. It's important to be an asset to his family, community, and country. You have to be tough to be good. Become the strongest member in your bloodline and the one who changes your family's legacy.

    We as men are designed to be dangerous. The chaos of the times reveals the conquer in the man and his strength is measured by the ability to confront pain. The two primal components of the masculine frame are greatness and victory. Masculine wisdom is communicated through action and experiences. He takes responsibility for not only himself, but for others as well. 

    The HERO archetype is one who converts his weaknesses into strengths and limitations into advantages. The ideal life is the full development of your potential and wise stewardship of your resources. Be a strong man; Be a good man and let the world rage around you...



Sunday, June 4, 2023

The No Fear Gear

    What is the cause of someone willing to risk their own life or gives a person ' superhuman" capabilities in an emergency situation. We witness our fellow humans doing extraordinary things and ponder about what drives them to such feats. It's amazing and perplexing all at the same time. My hypothesis is that this rare group of people have found the capability I call the: "No Fear Gear."  

    This phenomenon allows us to strive far beyond our limited beliefs and abilities. These people have found a way to dance with fear and use it for constructive means. It's used to enhance their lives instead of becoming a hinderance. We have heard the adage " courage is being afraid and doing it anyway." They're aware of the fear and embrace it to allow the freedom to pursue the necessary tasks. 

    I've personally have had to tap into this hidden potential and discovered its congruence with being in "Flow State." You experience an acute intensity of your senses and time almost seems malleable. The only thing that matters in that moment are your current circumstances. You are completely in the present and shut out all distractions. The most accurate way I can describe it is that you feel you have connected to the divine. It's for the chosen few who have dared to reach that tier, but upon arrival they are rewarded with the NO FEAR GEAR...