Here we are on the other side of another chaotic year. The pandemic we thought was going to be over in two weeks has lasted two years. The "RONA" virus has proven to be a great equalizer amongst our society. Everyone has been affected by this event in one way or another. Now we as a nation are confronted with a choice on how we prioritize health and wellness going forward.
The virus has revealed just how unhealthy and vulnerable we are. We have more fitness resources than any other country on the planet yet we are plagued by chronic disease and obesity. For too long we have chosen what is easy over what is right. Comfort and convenience are opiates of an affluent society. We have been lulled into neglecting our physical and mental health. We choose to sacrifice our bodies in the pursuit of lifestyle.
Now that I've stated the obvious let's discuss solutions. Healthy living has to be prioritized and incentivized in this country. It takes each of us to make all of us so, change is going to start with YOU. We all can make incremental and consistent improvements in our lives. We have witnessed the havok this pandemic has caused, so if this doesn't wake us up WHAT WILL IT TAKE!