50%...This is the number of people my mid-January have quit their new year resolutions. I've always been agitated and intrigued by this phenomenon. Why do so many well intentioned people lose motivation or let the minutia of everyday life derail them. The new year is the summation of the following slogans:
- New Year...New You!
- Live your best life this year!
- Your transformation awaits you!
We all have heard these empty platitudes put on endless repeat for the month of January. Every year it's a new commercial with a new tag line that's supposed to inspire us into lasting change. I think by now we as a society has seen how well that's working out for us. One month of motivation and a list of vague resolutions isn't going to produce favorable results. We must have a reason bigger than ourselves in order to create a compelling future to achieve a new lifestyle. This approach will sustain an individual when it becomes difficult, and willpower is diminished. Another common obstacle is procrastinating, because people are waiting for the conditions and timing to be perfect. This is a day that never comes and will be the greatest barrier to success. We must take action and get started to create momentum. Enough with the excuses, delays, and blame just pick up your metaphorical rifle and SHOOT.READY.AIM...