Saturday, May 6, 2023

Designed For Danger

     A childhood memory I fondly recall is running through the woods to my tree fort yelling: " I wanna be an airborne ranger; I wanna live a life of danger." Unbeknownst to me this would eventually become my life's mantra. Was I just a crazy SOB or being called to something beyond my wildest expectations?
    What does it mean to live a life of danger? My definition is to approach your life boldly and courageously in everything that you do. It means being the architect of your life and living it on your terms. By taking the narrow path and forging your own way and embracing your god given uniqueness. Nobody can do everything, but everybody can do something. A person must discover what their gift is and share it with the world fearlessly. 
    I'm constantly striving to push my own limits and don't wait for permission to embark on new endeavors. It's at the margins of your abilities where you truly experience the fullness of life. Everything you want is on the other side of your fear. If you take anything away from this message let it be this: ' Don't let the trials of life, be a stranger; face them with ferocity and know you are designed for danger...