Sunday, June 4, 2023

The No Fear Gear

    What is the cause of someone willing to risk their own life or gives a person ' superhuman" capabilities in an emergency situation. We witness our fellow humans doing extraordinary things and ponder about what drives them to such feats. It's amazing and perplexing all at the same time. My hypothesis is that this rare group of people have found the capability I call the: "No Fear Gear."  

    This phenomenon allows us to strive far beyond our limited beliefs and abilities. These people have found a way to dance with fear and use it for constructive means. It's used to enhance their lives instead of becoming a hinderance. We have heard the adage " courage is being afraid and doing it anyway." They're aware of the fear and embrace it to allow the freedom to pursue the necessary tasks. 

    I've personally have had to tap into this hidden potential and discovered its congruence with being in "Flow State." You experience an acute intensity of your senses and time almost seems malleable. The only thing that matters in that moment are your current circumstances. You are completely in the present and shut out all distractions. The most accurate way I can describe it is that you feel you have connected to the divine. It's for the chosen few who have dared to reach that tier, but upon arrival they are rewarded with the NO FEAR GEAR...