When was the last time if ever you went off-grid to work on yourself? To escape the everyday routines and shut-off all the distractions that hinder our personal growth. It's in solitude and adversity that we are introduced to ourselves. These moments of reflection force a person confront and deal with their inner most flaws and failures.
This type of sabbatical is very difficult and pain staking for most people but is necessary to become the best version of oneself. That's why most people indulge in entertaining or self-medicating in order from looking inward at all the things they don't like about their character. Each one of us are S.I.N. positive and have moral shortcomings. Peering into the depths of your soul is a frightening endeavor that reveals the frailty of our humanity.
Make the most of these experiences by employing a variety of disciplines. The first recommendation is utilizing prayer or meditation. This provides clarity of mind and connects you to the divine. Next suggestion is to immerse yourself in nature and embrace its simplicity. Lastly, participate in a difficult endeavor that pushes the limits of your being. In times of hardship and suffering life is stripped down to the essentials: food, water, and shelter. All the trivial things that once consumed your thoughts are eradicated. My challenge to you is to give yourself the hard-earned gift of repentance and healing. Remember we are only as sick as our secrets...