Wednesday, June 8, 2022

The Sins of Success

     Allow me to pose this question: Why do you work? Is it for monetary gain, social status, providing value or serving others? Whatever your motivations there is a recurring theme of sacrificing health for wealth. Let me be perfectly clear that success is a noble pursuit that should be celebrated, but not at the cost of your overall well-being.

    In this instant-gratification society we have created too often I've seen people choose work > wellness and lifestyle > longevity only to their peril. You have to cultivate a mind-set of playing the long game with your fitness. The reality is that poor health becomes an obstacle to achieving or sustaining success. What good is wealth if you're unable to enjoy it due to injury or illness. It's pointless to be the richest person in the graveyard and you'll never see a U-Haul behind a hearse. This is not an either/or it's a both/and proposition. 

    Why be at the apex of the game and not be able to enjoy the fruits of your labor? I would argue that with more affluence comes more opportunities to invest in self-care. Your vocation is a means to an end not the end all be all. Going forward be sure to prioritize yourself from time to time and be vigilant not to commit the sins of success...