Friday, March 3, 2023

Athletic Arete'

 Arete' - The pursuit of excellence...

    Why is chasing perfection a noble endeavor, because what you will attain is excellence. It's one's responsibility to be a good steward of their bodies. Embracing your physique and striving to maximize your genetics will benefit every aspect of life. This can be accomplished by practicing discipline and instilling good habits. Fitness is comprised of both nutrition and physical training in order to achieve desired results. An individual has to frequently train at the margins of their ability to become hard to injure and hard to kill. In this pursuit you will be an asset to your family and society. It's a tragedy to reach the end of one's life not fulfilling their God given potential. You are not going to make it out of this life alive, so why not go all in to reach that apex of humanity known as Arete'...